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With Built-In Load Pusher

With Built-In Load Pusher





Model No SRS Cat No Ref No Capacity P (kg) Load Centre LC (mm) Mass Q (kg) Centre of Gravity CGh (mm) Lost Load Centre LLC (mm) Class Ao - Bo Stroke S Wp Hp Tp Fork L Setting C Fork Wf Fork Tf De-rating Calculator
S15CRPD 1 0001  1250 600 945 440 460 3A 900-1500  1200 1000 885 50 1200 625 125 50 view calculator
S30CRPD(proposed) 1 0001  2500 610 1350 460 510 4A 900-1500  1200 1000 885 60 1200 625 150 60 view calculator